Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Learn Ilonggo Digitally - Esturya for Kids

Are you living abroad and have kids born in a language different from you're born out of? Do you want to teach your kids in learning your mother tongue which is Ilonggo but don't know how to start.

Well, here's a cool and fun app to start with, made as a tool to learn and understand Ilonggo. Esturya forKids was born out of the collaboration of  Akubo Software, Inc. and Seventh Films.

Teach your little kids in learning the dialect of your roots and you'd grew up with for only $3.99.

To download it, click the itunes link of the app below. If you do not have Itunes, you can download and install it for FREE! Here's Itunes installer link:

"Inting and Butud is a delightful story about a young boy and his carabao friend." -
 Image source:

The story is written in English with Ilonggo words to learn.
 Image source:

After reading the story, the app will present to you a list of highlighted Ilonggo words with its English translation.

English to Ilonggo Translation. 
 Image source:

Enjoy and learn our very own Ilonggo dialect.

Great job for the team behind this app, you are not just helping the kids learn Ilonggo but you are also preserving our proud Ilonggo literature and culture.

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