Thursday, April 17, 2014

Deadly MERS-CoV arrived in the Philippines. Here's how to avoid from getting it.

Deadly MERS Corona Virus arrived in the Philippines. 
Here's how to avoid from getting it.

A OFW arrived in the country two days ago - April 15, 2014 though he was not sick but he was tested and he was positive with the virus. He is currently on quarantine along with his family members.

What is MERS? See Link:


Last April 10, One Overseas Filipino Worker OFW died  in Abu Dhabi due to this deadly virus - DFA

Here's how to prevent from getting sick due to unwanted germs you get from your home, in traveling and touching things:

1. Avoid touching your nose, mouth, and eyes (if unnecessary)

2. Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing

3. Disinfect doorknobs, phones, and your kid's toy

4. Wash Your Hands

When to wash your hands?

  •  Food - before preparing and after it so as when you eat it.
  •  Patient - before and after caring to your sick patient
  •  Toilet | CR | Washroom | Restroom - after using the toilet
  •  Baby | Child - after changing the diapers or the who has used the toilet
  •  Sneezing | Coughing | Blowing Your Nose -this is to avoid from passing a flu to other people.
  •  Pets | Animals - after playing with your pets or slaughtering of a livestock
  •  Garbage - after throwing/touching a garbage and its bin
  •  Travel | Public Transit | Commute - after commuting thru a public vehicle, because lots of unknown germs are residing on that metal pole or seat of yours.

 How to wash your hands?

Make sure to dry your hands with a clean cloth or tissue paper as a dry hand or skin will lessen your chance from getting these germs.

Always wash you hand to prevent from being getting sick.

Remember: Health is always Wealth

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